At the recommendation of Andreas Rhude, I am soliciting opinions regarding a canvas covered Thompson Take a Long rowboat. It is late 30's early 40's vintage, with original paint. The paint was checked in a pattern resembling a desert. After a session of wet sanding, narrow patterns 1/8" or less of canvas fabric is visible. While vacuuming with a remote vacuum, (lead concerns), I noticed that in some isolated areas, a slight lifting of the canvas from the wood. No bubbling or tearing of the canvas anywhere. My plan at this point is to apply the vacuum to create a slight space and inserting a hypodermic needle with spar varnish through the canvas in several places for each space. After assuring that the varnish has spread thinly and evenly, I will weight it down with a paper spacer in case the varnish oozes out. If varnish creeps into the interior, so be it, the inside will be varnished with the same spar varnish. If anyone has suggestions, they will be carefully considered, especially those relating to the drying of the varnish in such a confined space. I am using man o war spar varnish on the interior, and George Kirby vintage ivory on the exterior, at Andreas' suggestion. Thanks in advance for any viable suggestions.