Left Coast Yankee


LOVES Wooden Canoes
Just finished my summer project on the last day of indian summer. All that is left is the decal and some brass screws I'll replace as soon as I get a chance to get down to tacoma screw.

She spent her first 50 years in New England, she'll ready for her next 50 in the Pacific Northwest.

She is the second member of what is becoming my harem.

The first taught me that not all canoes were built the same and that unless you are careful the shiny new paint and varnish can camoflauge from some serious damage. She also taught me how good it felt to put a boat back on the water.

Left Coast looked pretty shabby when I picked her up, heavily weathered and half stripped, stern seat broken up, a bit of rot in her stems and decks. But her lines were clean with no broken ribs. Her 4 inch red cedar planks had been laid by craftsmen who cared.

Cleaned and finished stripping her, made a few minor repairs, zipped her into a new canvas, and practiced my painting(I still need more practice).

Here are a couple before pictures.


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Left Coast Cleaned up

Here are some pictures of her all cleaned up. I apologize for the johnny theatrical lighting, but I was so excited about getting her done that I could not wait for good light to take her picture.


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