Is this an OT deck plate?

Brad Fisher

Enthusiastic about Wooden Canoes
This is from a 1924 Double Ender I'm restoring. The pattern doesn't look like any OT deck I've seen, but it came off as if it were original. I need to know what pattern I should use to build the replacement.


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It certainly doesn't look like the standard Old Town deck shape for a double end boat. The pictures below show the deck from a 1907 double end boat and the 1924 catalog. There are many other similar double ended boats shown in this forum but I didn't find any others with decks that look like yours. Are they birch as shown on the build record? That shape is more commonly associated with builders from Massachusetts like Robertson, Crandall, and Waltham. Now you can choose to replace what you found or to use the more traditional shape. Let us know what you decide,


Having posted this, then reread Benson's post and photo above, I'm wondering if double enders used this ogee deck shape? I couldn't find a reference photo of a 1924 double ender that showed the decks, other than the one Benson posted above. Hard to tell, but it does look like ogee.
The one from 1924 shown at has a simple curve like the one from 1907 shown previously. The double end boats typically did not have ogee shaped decks like the canoes. However, this is your project so feel free to put in any shape deck that you like. Please respond here with your decision.

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Aha. Simple curve it is then. Good to know that the right one is also the easier one to cut. Thanks!