Indian Girl

Pesky blister

I really like a couple of coats of shellac as a sealer and haven't had much in the way of problems, but I do have one canoe I used shellac on under varnish and there is a pesky blister in one spot. It may have originally developed in the sun. Alternatively, there may be some sort of contamination in the finish (I hear you should use de-waxed shellac under varnish), but I keep removing the blister, cleaning it with solvents, sanding and revarnishing only to have the blister return, and only in one spot.

One other important thing that I forgot to mention when using Shellac as a base. IT MUST BE CUT ONE TO ONE WITH LACQUER THINNER. It is anhydrous and will go cloudy when in contact with water if used straight out of the can. This is mentioned in the Kettle River article. Also, the bare wood is oiled before the Shellac is put down. Fred
Hi Fred

Where can I see the Kettle River article. This is very interesting. I have seen flakes at the Woodcraft store. Is it fair to assume that shellac does not go on the outside of the bare hull before canvas?
How did feel?


I would have really enjoyed watching you launch your IG this weekend. I have often thought of you this past week, and your anticipation of her relaunch. How did it feel? Did you hyperventilate? Don't tell us it was like paddling "just another canoe". It must have been exhilarating.


We haven't been ignoring you Dave, and thank you for all the interest. (we had to re-learn how to post pictures on the forum).
We launched the Indian Girl Saturday evening after dinner. We asked friends Bert and Judy Martin to come along to take the pictures, then asked a fisherman's daughter to take a shot of both of us. They are attached.
We have only paddled a few canoes since we started five years ago, so we didn't have a lot to compare the IG with. Not knowing what to expect, we were surprised to find her so easy to move through the water. Aleta and I have always worked hard to keep up with the Martins' and others in our chapter. Not any more. Three other members paddeled her, and all agreed that we have a very sweet canoe. I believe the compliments were all sincere.
Our annual meeting is this weekend. Weather permitting, I hope others will paddle her and give me more feedback.

Later, Fred


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Beautiful pictures of a beautiful canoe--- glad she lives up to her reputation! We'd love to get our IG onto the water!


If I applied myself I could conceivably get mine done by next year. But the Scout, the two Hw's and other things would be neglected.