I need help Identifying this boat

Dan Miller said:
Late chiming in, but better than never, eh? I was, at first, thinking not a Thompson, especially when Andreas chimed in, as he is the go-to-guy for all things Thompson.

But, now that I've had a chance to poke around a little, I'm thinking it might be a Thompson "Outboard Rowboat". See attached.

The steam-bent seat braces may imply a wartime boat in this case?

I think we have a winner!

The boat in this ad has everything my boat has. One particular feature that seams unique is the peanut shaped engine mount on the interior of the transom. I have not seen that in any other boat, which lends me to believe that this is in fact the correct model. the questions that remain for me is what year and was this a Cortland, NY boat or a Pertigo, WI boat. Based on proximity, I would guess NY.

One difference that might lead to the answer of year and or manuf location is that the boat in the add seems to have a rear seat/platform made from 3 planks, but my boat has the same shape made from 5 planks. perhaps they did it differently in different plants or years.

One other question. The ad says exterior is sea green enamel. does that mean canvas with enamel over it? Paint?

The boat currently has sea green fiberglass over it, but that was applied in the 60's and is not original.

I plan to strip the fiberglass. I like the look of the wood, but want to keep the look as original as possible. what should I use for an exterior coating?
Yep, that peanut is probably the clincher- almost certainly your boat. That makes me re-think the whole transom thing. Maybe not a total re-build after all. I don't know about the rear seat, but often either different workers did things a bit differently, build specs changed over time, or available materials dictated a deviation from the norm.

Your boat is an all-wood boat, so it shouldn't have been covered with anything except paint on the exterior and varnish on the interior. You could prime then paint, or paint only. Manufacturers will give you their recommendations, and there have been lots of discussions here about paints and primers.

You should also search these forums for fiberglass removal- many great tips. I think Kathy Klos and/or Denis Kallery (and others have) posted some detailed comments about f/g removal, and Kathy has a video of Denis removing 'glass from a canoe. It may just fall off in one whole piece, which you might choose to use as a bathtub, or it can be adhered well to the hull. If the latter, do check for advice here. Wildly tearing off the fiberglass will surely take chunks of your nice cedar hull with it. Just ask Peter Mueller- he had to pass on what would have been a beautiful canoe because the seller pulled off great sheets of fiberglass to show how easily removed it was. He was right. The 'glass came right off... along with sad little pieces of the hull.

I think "a thread about stupid things that people have done to my canoes" would be very helpful, for those of us who don't have a museum full of restorations behind us... It would help us recognize what kinds of things people should NOT have done, and which we would therefore not reproduce...
I ran across this as I was searching for information about the same boat
I just enquired the exact same boat last month Mine has the deck board with the Thompson Bros Mfg Peshtigo Wis.
Brass tag on it
This boat was in wood mill building in the upper peninsula Michigan near the Huron mountain club
I have not been able to fine any information about this boat till now
I will attach some pictures soon



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