Curious about Wooden Canoes
Just a note to say hi. I am a boatbuilder and sailor, and former WCHA member from back in the day when Bob Hicks was editor of the Journal. At that time, I built a Tom Hill lapstrake canoe, and restored a 1961 OT 50lb guide. I'll try to attach the photos. Those boats are long ago sold. I've been a C Class and ACA canoe sailor (though my boats are glass) for 20 years or so, and currently co-chair the dinghy sailing program at Sebago Canoe Club in Brooklyn, NY. My current project is nearly complete, the building of a Matinicus double ender. That is chronicled in my blog. I'm rejoining the WCHA and this forum because an Old Town HW, 1935 has sort of fallen in my lap. I don't have it yet, but plan on picking it up in a few weeks. Its a sailing model, and I plan to do a restoration as a "user". Back in '91 or so, I took Rollin's restoration class at WoodenBoat, and got a whole lot out of it. Been re-reading The Wood and Canvas Canoe in preparation. Sebago's open canoe program has languished over the last 25 years because of those danged sea kayaks, but is currently undergoing a little renaissance, to which I hope to contribute somewhat. Looking forward to picking your collective brains soon, hopefully.
The OT Guide
Re-canvasing at WB
The finished OT
The Tom Hill canoe on Vinalhaven.
In Kejimkujik Park, Nova Scotia
Jim Luton aka Cricket

The OT Guide

Re-canvasing at WB

The finished OT

The Tom Hill canoe on Vinalhaven.

In Kejimkujik Park, Nova Scotia
Jim Luton aka Cricket