Help identifying a Peterborough please

Tim Ward

New Member
I have an old Peterborough canoe which I am hoping to finally get around to restoring this year having owned it since 1986.

It is a cedar strip copper riveted to thin dark ribs inside that I have assumed are oak and bears a brass identification plate saying THIS IS A PETERBOROUGH CRAFT then underneath two boxes with the word serial between them. The first box has 90 stamped into it and the second 2688 stamped into it. Under that is a long box with VAR CEDAR stamped into it.

I would like to find photos of how the boat should look so that I can restore it correctly. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Tim Ward, near Oxford, UK
It could be a Bunny:

90 Bunny; 15 x 36 x 13 Rib and Batten, Longitudinal Strip, Cedar Rib, Canvas 1914-1938

This is from Dan Miller's site for canoe ID and the Peterborough table.

Hope that helps,

Here are a couple catalog pages from the 1914 catalog.


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Thanks for the help. I don't think it can be a Bunny as it doesn't have canvas or any evidence of having had it. Dan seems to have hit the spot. I presume therefore that 90 is the model, is there any way of dating it from the serial?
is there any way of dating it from the serial?

None, the only way would be for someone with a good knowledge of their production features over the years to give an indication of the era in which it was made. Certain characteristics can usually point to a particular period.
Or the magic 8 ball, thats about it.
I'm sure if you posted some pictures of seats, decks, etc you would get some feedback here - there always seems to be an interest in boats that have gone so far afield from where they originated.
As there seems to be an app for everything but stripping fiberglass, it follows there would be one for the 8 ball. Finally i can get answers even when i forget to bring it. No doubt it will tell me to buy the next canoe i find. 2014 is looking up!


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If I buy a WCHA historic catalogues CD which one gives the most information about Peterborough canoes please?