Peterborough Canoe?? Serial # 9937 50

Don Saulsbury

New Member
I am asking for help in identifying, for a friend for what is supposed to be a Peterborough from the mid 30's. It appears to match the specs of a 16' Riverdale (Model 1432 - from 1941 catalogue) but seats and ribs match a 16' Cruising Canoe from the same catalogue. The nose piece matches the Riverdale (radiused, not notched). The serial # is stamped "9937" then a "50" about 4 or 5 inches further forward. I have attached 2 jpegs which may help. It is, I think, painted with an Old Town pattern, done in the mid 50's.


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Hello Don,

Welcome to the WCHA forums.
I don't think your friend's canoe was built by the Peterborough Canoe Co. However, it is quite possible the canoe was built by the Canadian Canoe Co also of Peterborough. The model # 50 in that case identifies the canoe as the Chinook model. 16ft long, 34in wide and 12in deep.

Dick Persson
Headwater Wooden Boat Shop
Thanks for the quick response on the identification. I looked on the site and it didn't look to me like a Peterborough serial number sequence. He will have to be content with this ID and unknown year, because of the lack of history that is available for other makers. Again thanks for you effort.


Collector of old 30's Racing Outboards and boats