Great Rivers Chapter Sept outing date?


Wood Girl #1186
Does anyone have the official date of the Great Rivers Chapter September outing at Jag Lake. We're trying to plan but think we might have two conflicts that weekend.
Jag Lake outing info:

September 11-13 – Second Annual Fall Color paddle, camp, fish, socialize. Jag Lake Campground and nearby Manitowish River, Boulder Junction, Vilas County, in north central Wisconsin. For information: Dave Osborn 715-892-7391 or Gene Ott, 920-563-8715

I'll be there with Cindy, (but don't want to scare anyone away)

Jag Lake 2009 Camp and fall paddle

Just to clarify the dates are September 11th through the 14th. We reserved the campsite Sunday night also for the folks that want to stay and camp an extra night. The weekend went too fast last year. Everyone is welcome for any one to four days. More details will be available soon. Please let us know if you are coming and for what days so we can plan the event to meet the most peoples schedule. Hope to see you there.