Got a question.

Dave Wermuth

Who hid my paddle?
thanks to Dan Miller I have identified this project as a Penn Yan Hunter.
15' x 34" x 11". I like the way it paddles solo. The fiberglass did not want to let go. That was a big job just getting the 'glass off. But to the question.

the sheer line at the ends turns skyward sharply. I would think a 'hunter' would have a flatter shear, like a guide. Does anyone have a side view photo of a PY hunter ??? Does it turn up like a courting canoe? I suspect it has been cut down to 11" deep along the mid section as the rib tops are pretty good. I can post a photo if needed but it ain't pretty. Thanks.
Hey Dave,

Here are a couple of catalog pages (these happen to be from 1933) that show the Hunter, and give an idea of the sheer sweep. Like Michael's link, they don't show a full-on side view. The Hunter does have a decent "hook" at the end of the gunwales. Depth of the Hunter is consistently 12-1/2" from 1933 through 1960.


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thank you Dan and Michael. And Scott! Yes, that is what it should be. Unfortunately, this one has what I believe to be are replacement oak inwhales and believe it or not where it turns sharpest it has a miter in the inwhale. Also, I think the rails run straight along its length just berfore the 'hook'. And the planking is odd. Near the ends four planks in a row or more, all end on the same rib. And lucky for me, I remeasured and do have 12 1/2" depth. A properly steam bent inwhale should do the trick. And this 15' boat has three thwarts, three. So I will go back to two.
CL confirms it is a Hunter, the SN suggests it was built in 1947. Attached is the catalog page from 1947. Wonder if Kirby makes a nice khaki paint...?


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CL confirms it is a Hunter, the SN suggests it was built in 1947. Attached is the catalog page from 1947. Wonder if Kirby makes a nice khaki paint...?


i also have a hunter but i havent a clue what year. this boat only has 3 numbers after the CL first 2 numbers are 81 the last is difficult to read. do you know about what year this is?


I was searching for Penn Yan Carry with Khaki color and Red stripe to find out what the stripe looks like. This post is the closest I could find.
Does anyone have an example of what color scheme looks like? has the paint and decals.

Here is an example of a Penn Yan Rainbow with Kirby colors. George Kirby makes a Penn Yan Green and Penn Yan Red. Not sure if he makes a Penn Yan Khaki, if not there should be something close. Contact Kirby to see if they do the PY Khaki.


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Perfect! That is what I was looking for. I sent Kirby an email yesterday to see if they had or could mix the khaki color. I haven’t heard back yet. Thanks for the help.
Just saw your post. Here's a pic of a Hunter before restoration. Hope it helps.
New Pen Yann 001.JPG
It does Howie, and it brings up another question. The center thwart. Mine is missing, I have a detailed drawing of the aluminum thwart bracket to reproduce one but I do not have one of the wooden thwart(yoke). I see the one on yours has double "arms" off of the center hoop. I have not seen that yet, all I have seen is the single arm and that is what is in the catalog picture for my year model. Do you think that was make by someone, was it spicific to the Hunter or was it just an option at some point?
Does anyone have the dimensions or pattern for the regular "catalog" type?
I don't have the canoe - otherwise I'd send you a tracing. WCHA guy Macky Mongold has it now - he might be able to help... but I don't know his WCHA 'name'. Anyway, I got the canoe from a fella on Seneca Lake NY who told me that his family got it from a neighbor who used to be a foreman at Penn Yan. Apparently the canoe was 'special ordered'. Don't know if that was really true, or what was special about it. I can tell you that I've never seen a 'yoke' thwart like that before.

