Forum Upgrade Notice

Dan Miller

Jack of No Trades
Staff member
All the pieces are in place and the Xenforo team has been commissioned to upgrade these forums to the current version 2.2 - that update could happen as early as tonight.

The forums will be closed during the upgrade.

The forums have been updated. There is a thread in the Website Suggestions Forum for questions, issues, suggestions, etc.
I temporarily pointed the domain to the new server last night as a test. Everything looked good with the exception that some recent forum messages were missing since the backup was a few days old. I then swapped everything back to the old site until we could schedule a formal cutover date. It appears that I missed something in the swap back because things weren’t working this morning. I have just transferred everything back to the new site since recovering a few lost messages in the forum is probably better than leaving everything down while I figure out what went wrong. Let me know if you notice any other quirks. Sorry about that,
