Todd F
Lifetime Member
Now that it is a few months behind me I figured I would share what is now an amusing effort to transport two canoes.
I travelled from Virginia to Michigan to pick up two nice canoes. While a long drive it was uneventful.
Now loaded up and heading back down south I noticed the transmission acting up.
The fluid on the ground is not a spilled cherry soda! Had to spend 2 nights in a rest area while AAA and the Penn Turnpike Authorities worked out who would tow me.
After getting towed off the Turnpike I spent another 2 nights sleeping in the truck waiting on AAA to find me someone who was willing to tow my to West Virginia.
Finally heading south again we entered to hills of West Virginia and ran into more trouble.
Fortunately we were able to get a replacement belt and back on our way. Was able to make it to Davis WV and met up with a buddy who borrowed a flatbed for the final leg back to Virginia Beach.
As I always tell myself it is the experiences you have and the people you meet along the way that make it worth it.
I travelled from Virginia to Michigan to pick up two nice canoes. While a long drive it was uneventful.

Now loaded up and heading back down south I noticed the transmission acting up.

After getting towed off the Turnpike I spent another 2 nights sleeping in the truck waiting on AAA to find me someone who was willing to tow my to West Virginia.

Finally heading south again we entered to hills of West Virginia and ran into more trouble.

Fortunately we were able to get a replacement belt and back on our way. Was able to make it to Davis WV and met up with a buddy who borrowed a flatbed for the final leg back to Virginia Beach.

As I always tell myself it is the experiences you have and the people you meet along the way that make it worth it.