Sailing the mother bunch islands

Michael Leone

You call that a sail?
With the new color scheme done on the sailing canoe we headed off for the Mother Bunch Islands in the narrows of Lake George NY for a four day camping trip.
Winds were stiff out of the south making for a challenging three mile two hour up wind sail to our camp on St. Sacrament Island. I lost track of how many long tacks
we did to sail the three miles south from Hewlett's landing hitting several rain squalls along the way. Next morning was sunny and breezy but by 2:00pm it was pouring
and it poured on and off for the next three days. on the fourth day it poured non stop from 4:00 am to 1:00 pm when we took the chance to pack up our very wet camp
and high tail it back to Hewlett's landing. With the wind at out backs and more rain squalls on the horizon we tied a line from the stern of the sailing canoe to the Otca
and towed it all the back. We all had fun but a little less rain would have been nice. I think a do over in September is in order.


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Thanks for sharing this, Michael. Looks like a beautiful place-- hope to see pictures of your trip in September.
