Earl's canoe - video

Rob Stevens

Wooden Canoes are in the Blood
Has anyone viewed a video entitled, "Earl's Canoe"?
Here is a description;
In this documentary we meet Earl Nyholm and watch him select materials to build a traditional Birchbark canoe. We watch the entire process from eppling bark to stitching the canoes parts together

Is it worth getting if I want to build a birchbark canoe?
Never heard of that title. National Film Board has Cesars Canoe,that is OK.Im always on the lookout for birch building instruction where can you find Earls Canoe?
This is a great film! This documentation by the Smithsonian is very well done. I was fortunate to actually meet Earl and his family on Madeline Island in Lake Superior when they were building this birchbark canoe. It has been aired on Public TV here in Wisconsin several times. Earl is probably the only Ojibwe canoe builder that speaks his native language fluently, any where in the U.S. http://web.mac.com/beaverbarkcanoes
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I believe I've seen it on Public TV, but never caught the title, if it's the one i saw, is good. (the Madeline Island location is what I saw so it's likely the "Earl" film.)
