different types of wood


Curious about Wooden Canoes
I recently completed my forms and have began looking for wood. My local saw mill that was going to sell me cedar backed out because they decided that they could not get the logs to do it. I am wondering what other types of wood will work and what will be different about them. I live in ny and would like to get the wood localy
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Some very nice boats have been built with redwood if you can find that locally. You could also try Woodcraft Productions (401-232-2372) in RI...may not be far depending on where you are in NY...anyway, they have Atlantic White Cedar in lengths up to 24'.

Ric Altfather

If you want to stick with western red cedar then you can get it at any home depot store. I tell all my customers to go to the contractors desk and tell them you want clear western red cedar 3/4" decking. I get reports from all over the country telling me that it worked for them so I assume it will work in your area as well.

You can use any soft, light weight wood that sands well and has decent resistence to rot. Atlantic, easter, alaskan and western red cedar will all work. For accent strips you can use the heartwood from western red for dark and if you want a very light, (almost white) wood then Bass wood works really well.

Many of the old timers use douglas fir which can usually be had at any decent lumber store. It is not particularly pretty but it will certainly fit the bill. I generally recomend this for people who are building one of my duck boats because they are going to be painted anyway.

If you go to WWW.sandypointboatworks.com , every boat there was built using lumber from Home Depot.

Good Luck
I had a friend who wanted to accent a cedar stripper kayak he was building. I poked around my shop and cut him some strips of:

The boat is still predominately cedar but the accents in a pattern gives him a darn pretty boat now.