Delay in deadline for Board of Directors candidate statements


LOVES Wooden Canoes
For members considering running for the WCHA Board of Directors: The August issue of the Journal posts a deadline of August 26th...this Thursday, for candidate statements. We are aware that some members haven't received this issue of the Journal yet and so the deadline has been extended to September 5th. If you can submit your statement sooner please do. I'm sorry for any inconvenience this has caused.

Unfortunately there is no method to communicate directly with the entire membership on a short term basis - so I'm asking forum readers to please help spread word of this deadline extension to any member you know considering board service. If anyone has additional questions relative to the statement process please email Al Bratton,

Again, sorry about this and thanks in advance for your help and understanding.
Is the Journal Late?

So, is the Journal late?

I usually see it in the mailbox about the same time as a few other wooden boat mags. Is it especially late this month?
I don't think the journal is especially late--- it's just that the deadline for the statements is this same month, which doesn't give folks much time to write something if they have only just received the issue and are maybe just beginning to consider how great it would be to sit on the board. (That was a hint, for everyone...)

I got mine today. Must have come via canoe.

No problem.:D
a perk that comes with the job

One perk of being on the board is that your issue of Wooden Canoe is sent out early.
August Wooden Canoe journal

Rob, You must live right. We're in the same city and I don't have mine yet. Maybe the local Postie reads if first :-) Has any thought been given to posting it online as a pdf for those who don't mind reading it electronically? It might savea few $$ in printing costs. Although, nothing beats getting the journal, making a good coffee and sitting down to peruse it.
Alex-- Rob does live right: he's on the WCHA Board of Directors, and because of that his journal in the mail sooner than yours.
