Chestnut Canoes in Algonquin Park

Murat V

LOVES Wooden Canoes
Just realized that the following Chestnut Catalogue features photos from Canoe Lake in Algonquin Park. The cover shows the "Portage Store" building in the background:

Catalogue (0).JPG

Here is a B&W shot from the Algonquin Park archives of the same building from 1974:

One of the pages in the catalog shows some canoeists in an aluminium Chestnut "MINK" waving to a large tour boat in the background.
Catalogue (1).JPG

This was the "Miss Algonquin Park" a diesel powered vessel that offered a 16 mile tour of the lake that apparently ran 5-6 times a day. Apparently 1973 was the last year it ran after complaints of environmental damage and pollution.


Looks like some of the other images were taken near some of the summer kids camps. The photo with the bridge and the totem pole might by Camp Ahmek perhaps?

Catalogue (3).JPG

Anyway, a neat little bit of Chestnut & Algonquin Park history.
The Taylor Statten Camps (Ahmek for boys, Wapomeo for girls) recently celebrated their 100th anniversary;
Nice job Murat!
I have probably looked at that catalogue 50 times over the years but never really noticed the background.
And I was on the beach at Canoe Lake looking at the store/ restaurant ... with my Bobs Special!... about a month ago, too.
Well spotted!