Charles river tips and stem assembly


Enthusiastic about Wooden Canoes
I need to splice in inwales tips and inside stems. My question is do the wale tips run to the outside of the stem or over the end? It looks like the tips want to flare out as they run to the stem. Anyone have a picute of the assemly? I have added some system 3 epoxy filler to the end of the stem to try and figure out the shape. Thanks


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inwales and stems

Old Town just stopped the stem short of the deck/inwale assembly. So, run the inwales all the way to the end. Hope this helps.

Robertson Charles River


Here are some details from a Charles River Robertson Long Deck. It looks like the end of the stem is notched to accept the inwales, but I will have to crawl under the rack to know for sure. Your Charles River may vary.


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Tips and stem

Thanks Guys

I think the pictures you have Fritz tell the story. Looks likes what I have when I put the planks on the top they are notched out like yours. I will have to put the decks back on to shape the tips. Do you think the inwales are spruce?