Cedar plank square stern...


New Member
A friend of mine has this boat, found it in a barn on a farm he bought or someone gave it to him. He was wondering what it was, how old it might be and what it might be worth, has some guy wants to maybe buy it. It's in St. Louis MO. He didn't say anything about markings or name or anything on it.
Looks like cedar plank, square stern boat/canoe, was canvas covered, he says it has square head nails clenched on planks, some parts are sitting on lawn - like the seats, gunnels, keel? - a hole in the bow and one like it on the stern, says he has new canvas for it, someone was going to restore it I guess...what is it? what's it worth? how old? Thanks all...




BTW - this site was recommended by a chap over at WoodenBoat forum - you have a great site here.
Not possible to tell who built it from these photos, perhaps if you can locate the deck in that pile of parts, its profile, or the outline of a decal or deck plate, may help lead to a builder.

Canvas covered outboard boats like this were built in large numbers from the 1930s through the 1950s.

I think it was Gil Cramer who said "Every canoe is worth seventyfive bucks". I think that mentality fits for this boat too. You have a major rebuild, it looks like at least one inwale is broken, can't tell if any parts are missing (always a hazard with pre-disassembled boats), can't tell if there is rot in the stem or transom, it needs stripping, planking repairs, reassembly, interior varnish, canvas, filler and paint. Frankly, the cost of professional restoration is probably more than the retail value of the boat...

It does look like a great project for someone willing to put in the sweat equity.

I would guess it to be one from Thompson Bros. out of Pershtigo, WI. I have one built around 1950 and some of those components seem somewhat similar. It is eleven feet long. If it had a deck and deck plate and/or transom plate ID'ing it would be easier. I agree that spending what it would cost to restore it professionally would not be a good idea . It may be a fun restoration project if the owner could do it himself, however.

What's appleknocker?

Lapeer is west of Port Huron/Sarnia less than an hour. It is lovely because several years ago the local Jeep Dealer was advertising his wares and used (invented) the term "Lovely Lapeer" in his jingle. A bit of tongue in cheek local joke that lasted longer than the dealership.
I am familiar with pumkin checker but do not know this appleknocker term.

Dave, a good friend of mine is a bowyer in Ishpeming, he explained it to me once but if I remeber its a depression era holdover for those outside the UP. Just playing around, I take it good naturedly when I'm in Lansing or Kalamazoo and they make fun of our Canadian accent, 'specially when we're "out and about" - usually I get taken for a Yooper. I love going to Michigan, tons of bowhunting and traditional archery enthusiats.
Did find this though, and from my talks with him it looks accurate enuf...
Well, ya, eh. If youse gonna spend ANY time in the U.P., youse gonna need to copy yourself this UNOFFICIAL YOOPANESE GLOSSARY:

APPLEKNOCKER: 1. A person from downstate. 2. Anyone from outside the Upper Peninsula.

BAKERY: Baked goods, rather than a place where things are baked. "Go store an get me some bakery, eh?"

BIKE RIDING: In Yoopanese, it's not always aufficient to say "biking," "skiing," or "snowmobiling." Instead, substitute the phrase "bike riding," also "snowmachine riding," or even "ski riding."

BORROW ME: Loan something to me. "Borrow me da keys to da snowmachine."

BOUGHTEN: Auxiliary verb form of buy. "I had boughten da snowmachine on special."

CAMP: 1. Not a primitive tent site, but the name used for any seasonal home. 2. What would be called a cottage by the more high-falutin'.

CHIT: Dung.

CHOUK: A hat. Also chook, chukka, or choukka.

CROMER: Another hat, this one is a flapped hunting cap apparently named after the Wisconsin company that manufactures them.

CUDIGHI: A type of hot Italian sausage, served in sandwiches. The name, if not the sausage itself, may be unique to the U.P. Also spelled gudlighi.

DA AREA: The generic term for whatever part of the U.P. the speaker happen to be in. Can encompass a neighborhood, city, county, or even the whole U.P.

GO CAMP: To go to one's summer residence. See also go Marquette, go Green Bay, or go Shopko.

HEIKKI LUUNTA: The Finnish snow god; thus the supreme deity of the Upper Peninsula.

HOLY WAH: Exclamation. "Holy wah, Toivo! Da Beer's all gone!"

ICE SPUD: Long metal device used to smash a hole in the ice for ice fishing. Not to be confused with winter potatoes.

LAKE EFFECT: From meteorology. Snow created by winds blowing over Lake Superior, as in "We got ten inches of dat lake effect last night."

LAKER: A lake trout. Not to be confused with a professional basketball team from Los Angeles.

NIPS: Socks.

NOSEEUMS: 1. Tiny, obnoxious biting flies. 2. Competition with mosquitoes for the title of U.P. state bird.

ON SPECIAL: On sale. See boughten.

PANK: Compound verb formed from "spank" and "pack." Descriptive term for what you do to snow with the flat side of a shovel or soles of a boot to get it to stay where you want it. "Pank dat snow bank down, eh?"

PASTY, pl. PASTIES: Cornish meat pie often confused by tourists with library paste, "pastry", or bangles used by strippers.

SHACKING: Grabbing on to the back fender of a car, truck or bus and sliding along on the snow and ice coating on streets and roads. A favorite pastime of young Yoopers.

SMELTIN: The process of catching numerous tiny fish by dipping a big net in a small stream. Do not confuse with the process of steel production.

SNOWSCOOP: N: A device, apparently invented in the U.P., for removing snow from roofs, driveways, porches, or any other large, outdoor surface. V: The process of such removal, as in "I gotta snowscoop out da neighbor's driveway."

SPIN A DOUGHNUT: To put one's car into a 360-degree power slide on ice-slick parking lot surfaces. Another favorite pastime of young Yoopers.

ST. URHO: A legendary Finnish pseudo-saint who supposedly drove the grasshoppers out of the Finnish Vineyards.

SWAMPERS: Waterproof winter boots. Sometimes also referred to as Sorrels—a brand name of boot.

TREE-WHEELER: A three-wheeled all terrain vehicle, not to be confused with a device for removing logs from a forest.

UNTHAW: To thaw out something that was frozen, as in "We got to get dat turkey out an unthaw it quick."

YA, EH: Favorite Yooper interjection.

YOOPER: An inhabitant of the Upper Peninsula or any speaker of Yoopanese. Also called Uper.

YOUSE: Plural of you. "Hey, youse, da beer'll never unthaw on da snowmachine."
:D :D

I myself am a traditional archer. I have two of Cliff Coe's bows. One a take down recurve and the other I bought from him probaly in the 80's, a long bow, osage backed with bamboo. No 'glass. Cliff passed on about two weeks ago. At 93. No service or anything, just an obit in the paper.

So appleknockers are trolls eh?
Trolls are all of us below the bridge.
The bridge is the Mackinac Bridge. Five mile of freeway accross the straights. I paddled out there solo once. And felt small.
Loved the dictionary. Knew most of 'em.

Compound bows are merely a passing fad.
trad archer eh?

I shoot a reflex deflex longbow, curly maple belly and back over ash cores, 4 layer, 57lbs at 28" and a reverse handle bamboo with curly maple overlays and handle, 59lbs @ 29". teaching myself to shoot a horsebow with a thumb ring, quite different. bunch of older recurves, flatbows and all that too. you should take in Kalamazoo in January if you've not been, its a great midwinter outing. We'll be there again stocking up. Building a set of cedars with 4 spline purpleheart footings w/goose feathers.
Dont shoot wheels but have used crossbows on boars before.
Thanks all for your input to my question about the boat - and archery and appleknockers and Lapeer and YOOPANESE also! ;)
Loved the dictionary, Andre!

I've lived in da U.P. for five years, and learned I'll never be considered a Yooper because I wasn't born here.

The "camp" thing was most confusing to me, having come from Minnesota-- where people "went to the lake" or "went to the cabin" for the weekend. "Camp" had to do with the YMCA or Scouts, or with pitching a tent. Now, I find myself asking people if they'll be heading to camp for the weekend... and we're all on the same page.

You left off "Party Store". In Minnesota, a Party Store is where you'd find colorful hats and balloons and horns that, when you blow them, a paper thingy shoots out the end and you hear a funny non-musical sound. Here, a Party Store is where youse find da beer.

Upper reply- well almost a Upper!

My little friend Kathy is a relative newcomer to the U.P., so let me add some comments from a long time U.P. resident. Though I have lived in the U.P. for most of the past 46 years I am still not a Upper in the eyes of the natives.Two of my children are though. One of my youngest daughters friends said " Though you are a troll [from under THE bridge] you've lived here so long you are an honorary Upper - so I'll call you a TRUPPER" I thought that was quite cute!
First - the term appleknocker refers to those people from downstate, mostly deer hunters, that come up here and knock the apples off the many apple trees to attract deer. Basically a bait pile. Also called flatlanders.
Swampers really aren't Sorrels -Sorrels are for winter, they have or use to have felt liners -now they are usually foam. Swampers are the rubber bottomed boots now sold mostly by L.L. Bean but previously were sold by many makers among them Bass.
Ah! - unthaw- one of my favorites. What YOUSE do is take the venison out of DA freezer and put it on the HOT WATER HEATER to UNTHAW it. Yeah -right!! When I briefly worked out in the Albany N.Y. area in a cabinet shop they thought I was Canadian because of my U.P. accent. Especially the way I said " out". For the rest of your list - it is quite accurate. Thanks for the laugh!
Peace, Denis :D

Denis, the only thing that distresses me about all of this is that if you unthaw something, wouldnt you be freezing it? Not to split hairs you understand.....
So swampers are maine hunting shoes, not wellingtons?
Yep you got it! To unthaw something I would think you would put it in the freezer. Additionally - why would you want to heat hot water? Youse always brings a group of female sheep to mind. Yes, swampers are Maine hunting boots. They were often worn by loggers. We've got a lot of swamp land up here that is logged. I wear them in the Spring when it is wet and in the Fall too. Keeps the feet dry in the woods. Denis :)