Canadian Canoe or Kennebec?


Sounds like one of those old rallying slogans from the War of 1812! I'm wondering if anyone has photos of 16 foot Kennebec canoes circa 1920, and the same for Canadian Canoe Company canoes of about the same time - any photos of either canoe would be helpful. The serial number on the stem of my canoe suggests Kennebec but the fellow I bought it from seems to think it's a Canadian. Visual clues might help in identification (or not!)
They will look nothing the same. Post a photo of yours here, and we can probably tell you at a glance. A couple of things that will help you separate them is that a Kennebec will have tapered inwales and a "regular" width cant rib. The Canadian will have full width inwales and a cant rib that is wider than the rest.
some photos: Canadian? Kennebec? or?

Dan - thanks for your response. The tapering of ribs begins slightly with the fourth rib from either end, but is most noticeable with the fifth rib. I'll try to attach some photos with this message. Here goes..


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Typical Canadian set up on those decks....Full length cant rib and except for that heart shape the set up is like the Chestnut I am doing right now. If you removed that brass stem band (bang plate) you will most probably see the inwales joining to the tip and there is a slot cut out and the mortised stem showing. Also the outwales are the same set up at tips...Not intended to suggest it is a Chestnut...Just agreeing that the set up is typical of a Canadian made one.
Yes, as Blue says, it is definitely of Canadian origin. Early (pre-1920) Chestnuts are like this, with heart shaped decks and the narrow cant rib. This could be confirmed by seeing what the shape of the stem is just below the deck under the canvas.
when I get under the canvas I'll let you know what I find - I thoroughly appreciate the information so far.