
Kathryn Klos

squirrel whisperer
Found a Kennebec advertised on Craig's List and directed the seller to the serial number search on forums for build information. The seller was unable to find a serial number and wondered if his canoe was, in fact, a Kennebec.

The canoe has the dramatic recurve of the Kennebec torpedo and Katahdin models, but its open gunwales don't have the Kennebec rail caps. There isn't a serial number plate, but there's a spot on the stern deck where it appears a painter ring or something was attached, and maybe the sn plate was removed for this purpose.

I'm wondering what other canoe builders--- besides those of the Charles River area and Kennebec and Morris (no splayed stem on this boat)--- torpedoed the ends to this degree...

In the pictures, the thwart in the middle is original to the boat.

This seller was very forthcoming with information and pictures, so I told him I'd post the question here: Kennebec, yes or no or possibly... and if not, what else?

Here's the listing from Craig's List:


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Hi Kathryn,

This canoe has been on Craigslist for a long time. Nice looking at a glance, but it has its share of troubles. I always thought it was a Kennebec. It's put together like one. The caps aren't there, but notice the holes in the wales- looks like the caps were there at one time.

a word of caution

Hey--what do I know, having restored a total of 1 boat, but this canoe looks like it has been "kinda-sorta" re-done. It may have fresh varnish, but it appears that stripping was not complete. Also, canvas appears fresh, but is that filler, paint, or what?

$2400? I am skeptical. Consider what's available from current builders for not too much more money. Check listings in Wooden Canoe magazine for fully-restored boats selling for similar $. Then decide.

That's my 2 cents. Or $2400.

All the best
Thanks for the feedback--

I wasn't planning to buy the boat, but wanted the seller to know he could get the build record from WCHA if he could find a serial number. It's amazing how many Old Town owners aren't aware of this, and even fewer Kennebec owners. I figure it's a good way to "spread the word" re the WCHA.

When the owner of this canoe couldn't find a serial number and questioned whether it might be something else, I thought it best to double-check here because my knowledge is limited. And I knew if it was posted here, it would stand for others to refer to with similar questions.

Do Kennebec serial numbers sometimes appear ONLY on a plate that can be lost, or is the sn always on the stem as well?