Can anyone identify this canoe?


Wooden Canoes are in the Blood
I'm told that there are no serial number anywhere - that they may have been sanded off. Looks to me to be a Penn Yan - maybe a Rainbow since I think I see an external stem. Thoughts?


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The stem showing from the top (end grain visible), deck shape, untapered ribs, and general appearance all point to Mullins. It also looks like the unique Mullins stem bands may be present beneath all that blue paint. The seats are not typical Mullins, but as they don't match each other, are probably replacements.
Never heard of Mullins... but there's a lot I don't know. Any chance they routinely didn't stamp serial #s on the keel? And how well are they regarded?
I concur with Dan.

I have attached a picture of the deck on mine with the Mullins decal intact.

Also a pic of my metal seats.

Mine is the 16' Yale model and does not have a serial number anywhere.



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i have an early mullins catalog you could use for your resto

Does it duplicate one in the Historic Collection or is this a different one? Do you know the year or want to post the cover image to help identify it? Thanks,

Thanks guys, but that's ok - I've decided not to get it. It's a complex equation of I've-got-too-many vs it'd-be-fun vs they-want-too-much-for-it.