Penn Yan paint pattern resources from 1948-1960

Shari Gnolek

Have dog, will paddle
Does anyone have any resources they can recommend to help me identify the original paint colors/pattern on Penn Yan canoes built between 1948 and the early 1960s? I've searched the forum, and the WCHA store without luck. Any catalog examples, photos, or book recommendations would be greatly appreciated

Specifically, I was hoping to better understand the design that appears on this Penn Yan Owasco, serial number ON 165 (though on both stems the letter N appears to have first been struck as an M).

It's a zig-zag pattern that runs the length of the canoe, with faded shading from two images, one bow, one stern (on opposite sides), along with the letters "WEW!" (also on both sides). A related pattern appears on one paddle.

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This design may have been added after it left the factory. The 1947 catalog listed the ONM model as the mahogany version of the Owasco while the 1948 and later ones simply listed it as the ON model. I am not aware of any surviving Penn Yan serial number records available for further research. The stock color was blue green with a red stripe under the gunwales. Other colors and decorative designs were available but simple border stripes were the only patterns ever shown in their catalogs. Other builders advertised much more elaborate designs like the ones shown at for example. The 1926, 1947, and 1955 catalog pages are shown below. Let me know if this doesn't answer your question. Thanks,




Call George Kirby IV at Kirby Paints. I believe he has a Penn Yan Green and a Penn Yan Red. He sent me paint chips once of these colors.
Here is PY Green..... with a red stripe on a Rainbow model.
I'm using the Pen Yan Red on my Chestnut. It uses a yellow base so it looks more like a tomato/Chinese red. And it takes more coats to cover. For the first couple of coats it was looking like a good Bronco orange before it started to darken. The 15 foot Bob's special is going to take almost all of a quart.
Call George Kirby IV at Kirby Paints.
I did, they are on there way. Thanks for the resource! That is a great looking canoe!

It uses a yellow base so it looks more like a tomato/Chinese red
Do you have any pictures you can share? I would love to see this on more than just a chip.

The 1926, 1947, and 1955 catalog pages are shown below
These were very helpful, and now I am less sure of the date range for this canoe. For example, it does NOT have outside stems or half ribs, has a floor rack, and a brass strip which runs the full length of the boat under the keel. From looking through the forum posts I see information that sends me in different directions; A square decal (1930s+), 16 foot length (started in 1931 for Owasco), lack of outside stems and half ribs (so before 1947/48), but it has a two-letter serial number (started in 1948). Looking at the un-stripped wood I'm guessing mahogany seats and thwarts with spruce trim (so 1942-1947 as maple or elm would imply earlier The lack of rot, what I thought was original canvas/paint, and the presence of aluminum bang strips and motor mount made me think it was "newer". It also has a few oddities, like the four round pieces between the gunwales of unknown purpose (two on each side, one is visible in the image with the seat). And why would the 'M' be stamped over with an 'N' on BOTH stems? Regardless of the age or any of this, I am excited about fixing it up.

I contacted the Finger Lakes Boat Museum and sent them some photos. They are going to send copies of any relevant information they have. They don't loan out their resources so I might get a ride there and do a little wine tasting along the way, which should really help clarify things. :)

I am hijacking my paint question post to see if anyone has any thoughts about its age based on the catalog pages Benson provided and their own experience with Penn Yan canoes. As always, thanks for your input!

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Catalog specs should be taken as guidelines, not gospel. There will be overlap of features during transition times, not to mention the possibility of special orders.

The aluminum bang plates mounted on the outer gunwales are in all likelihood later additions.
Here is that Kirby Pen Yan Red. It took 4 coats and probably could use a 5th.



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