Build record please


Wooden Canoes are in the Blood
When someone has time I would like to see the build record for Old Town #16583-16. It's likely a CS grade HW model.

Thank you very much.

Jim C.
The Old Town canoe with serial number 16583 is a 16 foot long, CS (common sense or middle) grade, HW (Heavy Water) model with western red cedar planking, closed spruce gunwales, ash decks, ash thwarts, ash seats, a keel, and sponsons. It was built between January and April, 1911. The original exterior paint color was dark green. It shipped on April 26th, 1911 to Reading, Penna. It appears to have returned to the factory for repairs on July 6th, 1965. A scan showing this build record can be found by following the link at the thumbnail image attached below.

This scan and several hundred thousand more were created with substantial grants from the Wooden Canoe Heritage Association (WCHA) and others as you probably know well. A description of the project to preserve these records is available at if you want more details. I hope that you will join or renew your membership to the WCHA so that services like this can continue. See to learn more about the WCHA and to renew.

It is also possible that you could have another number or manufacturer if this description doesn't match the canoe. Please reply here if you have any other questions.



  • 16583.gif
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Thanks Benson but I think we got the wrong record. This canoe has open gunwales, diamond head bolts and no sponsons. The serial number looks pretty clear to me. Maybe it's a Carleton? But there is no bow carry thwart. Attached is a pic of the serial number from the Craigslist ad.


Well I guess that attached picture doesn't work so here is the link to the ad itself.



  • craigslistcanoe.jpg
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Maybe it's a Carleton?

Good guess, the Carleton canoe with serial number 16583 is a 16 foot long, Reg. (regular or middle) grade, Carleton model with red western cedar planking, open spruce gunwales, birch decks, birch thwarts, birch seats, and a keel that was changed to an Old Town Charles River model. It was built between January and May, 1922. The original exterior paint color was dark green with Japan dryer added. It was shipped on May 31st, 1922 to Newfoundland, New Jersey.

I may be able to get some more details from the financial records this evening. Feel free to reply here if you have any other questions. Thanks,



  • c-16583.gif
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Thank you Benson. Can't say whether I'm going to spring for this one or not - I have too many projects already
