Brodbeck Canoe info


Loves Old Maine canoes
I am trying to gather some info on Brodbeck canoes made in Boston, In particular serial number info. I just picked up a second Brodbeck last week with the serial number of 1006 and my other not having any number. A consensus between friends believes that the unnumbered Brodbeck to be very early one being that it looks very much like a early Maine syle canoe. My numbered Brodbeck looks more like a Charles River type canoe with tumblehome and recurved stems. A friend has serial number 1209 and believes the serial number sequence to be 12, year of production and 09, number of canoes produced that year. He has done some research to find that Brodbeck had only a small single door garage and that he worked alone while being a full time professor at a local college. I know that Brodbeck made canoes for around 30 years but his canoes are limited in numbers. I would like to try to find more serial numbers canoes with the possibility of finding a high serial number for the last two digits. Any help would be appreciated.
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