
chris pearson

Michigan Canoe Nut
The Utica Brewery is burning to the ground. I'm so depressed, Saranac beer is my canoes favorite brand, ok, mine too. What a shame to lose such an institution! Sorry for the off topic, just had to vent.:(
To us long in tooth New Yorkers, Saranac was colored Utica Club - Funny, you never appreciate what you have at home!
Drove through there somewhat after the fire started (could see the smoke from Camden), but didn't know what was burning at the time....
UC is no comparison to Saranac....yuck!!!! Anyhow, I wish I could get it out here. Perhaps no one will be able to get it now. No sadder sight than seeing a brewery go up in flames.
Any updates?

chris pearson said:
The Utica Brewery is burning to the ground. I'm so depressed, Saranac beer is my canoes favorite brand, .:(

Is this true? Forget about the Saranac, this is where Brooklyn Brown and Brooklyn Lager are brewed up. This is one of the best breweries in the country.
chris pearson said:
Guess what...the Utica Brewery makes(made) Lake Placid beer.

Some of it, but I'm pretty sure the last batch I had came from the Plattsburgh brewery.
A burning brewery? Regardless of the brand or quality, a brewery destroyed is one less shining light in our world....
This from a guy who yields to beer trucks.
A sad day, sad, indeed.:confused:
Dan Lindberg said:
You guys are making me thirsty.
Must be time to start the weekend.


Dan, Dan Dan, you must have forgotten. Wherever you may be, it's always beer-thirty somewhere.

A tip 'o the mug to the folks at FX Matt, may Utica not be dry for too long.
Ya know, you guys are awesome. This club allows one to chat off topic once and a while without someone getting all bent. I've been in this club for a long time and never have I been with a group so nice. It figures that so many involved in canoeing enjoy and appreciate to be "hoppy" once in a while. Heres a story..... Many moons ago, Gil remembers it I'm sure, up at Paul Smiths, a bunch of us were at the fire partaking in a few Molson Bradors, thats when Dave Baker "saw the light", it was like he just won the lottery. I got them in Canada after a canoe trip. From that assembly on, I always showed up, snuck up behind him, tapped on his shoulder and presented him with a nice cold bottle. It was something he came to expect. Boy, do I miss him....
Ah, it also lead to dragging a canoe over the fire, Gil also remembers, but we wont go into details...... at least now.
I think in the entire time I've been involved with this site, we've only put the kibosh on one user (nice fellow he turned out to be too...:rolleyes: ) We've gone off on some strange tangents over time (anyone remember Evan? someone was actually looking for his posts a couple weeks ago, unfortunately lost in the Great Melt Down of a few years back).

I for one appreciate the civility that has reigned here for a long time. We're not into censorship, but I'd rather not recreate the WoodenBoat's Bilge here either. (Pay attention Andre! :eek: )

We've moved onto Copper Hook this evening. Tasty.

Chris and everyone else, if you are coming to Peterboro (old spelling) please stop by Dave-n-Dan's afterhours canvas lounge...
Well, you guys have a beer for me, because I'm still writing articles for the next issue of Canoe Sailing Magazine. As a matter of fact, have a few for me....
Yes Dan!

Huh? hey , I like Saranac! Paid handsomely at the border to bring back 2 cases last time I was in Clayton too! And to think I was making Wanigans for everyone south of the border.
Now where's this bilge you speak of?:p


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Hey, awesome coolers Andre. The trouble with coolers that size is someone in invariably sitting in one before the party is over!

I'm sorry for you guys loss. I can relate somewhat. My local watering hole took my favorite brew "Dead Frog" (There are more Hopps in a Dead Frog!) off the's a sad loss...
They live to brew again!

I was just catching up on some of the news about the fire. Sounds like the packaging and some of the bottling areas were destroyed but the beer survived. :) They will keep filling kegs and will run Saranac Thursday next week on queue. That's great news. I have visited many breweries and never enjoyed one as much as this one. The quality of the beer they make is exceptional. The list is amazing, Harpoon, Brooklyn, New Amsterdam, Fort Schuyler (haha, not really, that sewage comes from Rome) Saranac and my favorite that we never admit, UC. Do you remember Maximus Super? Let's give this family our support and help them get back on their feet. DRINK MORE BEER!
Tankers Full of Beer for the Foot race

I live near Rome NY, and the local papers state that the Matt Brewery will be providing a tanker full of beer for the Utica Boilermaker footrace. Where there's a will, there's a stein! It seems that it was the bottling area that got flamed.

Mike H.
And now to Mike Heines, our on the scene reporter....

That's good news - may cause a bump in the bottling operation, but if they can ship in bulk, they will probably sub contract the bottling till they are up and running in Utica.

Thanks for the report, Mike