Assembly Photos?

Dan Miller

cranky canoeist
Staff member
If anyone wants to send me some photos of this year's Assembly, I'd like to put together a slide show similar to the one on the WCHA home page...

Up to three photos can be sent to me via email, otherwise touch base with me to set up a delivery plan.

I just uploaded all of my assembly photos. They're kind of a hodge podge and unedited. Thought I'd get them up ASAP. Anyone who wishes should be able to download them. If anyone needs a higher resolution file of any of them, just let me know and I'll be glad to e-mail the selected files to you.

It was a wonderful assembly as usual. Many thanks to Rob Stevens and all those who worked so hard to make this year's Assembly a roaring success!

Here's the link:
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Here's the link of photos from the Peterborough Examiner covering the paddle to the lift lock;

There were 92 wooden canoes in the lock in 1992. For some reason, we only had 42 this year, although there were 301 participants, including a large number of "blue taggers" (first time Assembly attendees). We also sold a lot of new memberships to local folk who dropped by.
assembly pix

a few more pictures


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Seeing these pictures is just great! Thanks to all who have posted them and sent links to web pages. We received these great family-pics from Alex Guthro-- Bertie is the cute face at the gunwales, and Charlie is snuggled against my feet.

Finally got on line with my own computer and will see what others I can add...




A few to start with...


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...and a few more...


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Chris Pearson brought that amazing diorama! Check for more pictures of his work through the "search" function above... I'd provide the link, but my computer no longer lets me know that stuff.