Any outing planed for this coming spring & or summer?


Hey guys, Well I'll be the first to throw this out there. What are your outing plans for the spring & or summer. I hope to get out and onto the Raquette River this summer sometime, Up by Tupper.
In August My wife & I rented a cabin on Lake Algonquin in Wells,NY for the week. I'll be exploring the lake and the Sacandaga River as far north as I can get be it as little as it may. I then plan to go to Rich Lake again sometime this summer and then again in September.
Let me know what your plans are maybe we can get a group together for a nice day of rowing.
OK, I wanted to get things started this season by asking if any of you have any trips planed. Well I see by the great response that it appears that I am the only one going any where this summer. Thanks for the great answers guys!
Well, we'll be heading to the great state of NY for assembly, but thats it for any long trips until the fall - NEVER go in the bush in June and July, bugs will be epic this year!
Going to Ohio for the Midwest Canoe Symposium in Sept, and hoping to get to Western PA Solo Canoe Rendezvous in June, and the Midwest Regional WCHA Mini-Assembly in August... otherwise staying pretty local.
The Michigan Chapter had a winter paddle on the South Branch of the Au Sable River in Roscommon, in February. May 17th there is the Paddle at the Presiden't (Ken Kelly) in Branch MI. The last weekend of May our Chapter will be paddling on the Manistee River in Grayling. There will be a lot of paddling opportunities at the 35th Anniversary at Paul Smith's in July. August, we are going to the Upper Great Lakes Regional mini-assembly at Shell Lake. Then we have the Fall Paddle on the Au sable River, Grayling MI the last week of September. Hoping to get a couple day paddles in there somewhere.

Mike and Debbie Darga
Hi Charger-- Sorry nobody jumped in right away. It isn't that minds are not on paddling-- especially with snow still on the ground.

Our U.P. of MI chapter hopes to have monthly paddling get-togethers, locally here in the Marquette area. We meet the second Saturday of the month and haven't devised a paddling schedule yet.

I'll be heading into the remote wilds of Ontario to track down native rock art (pictographs) next month (after snow but before bugs). I'll also be attending several of the events the Dargas spoke about. Especially the Assembly in the Adirondacks. I see you are in New York and maybe this would work for you. It is one of my favorite places to paddle and the people are the best in the world.

Generally, if you're in the neighborhood of any WCHA members, let them know and maybe paddling-together can be arranged. Denis and I loved visits from folks traveling-through the Marquette area, on their way to the Porkies or Boundary Waters or into the wilds of Ontario.

Here's a list of cool paddling-places.

Thanks everyone for the great replies. Now see that wasn't so hard was it? I hope to hear from more of you out there. Have a great day and I can't wait till the ice is gone from the Adacks.
I'll be heading into the remote wilds of Ontario to track down native rock art (pictographs)
Here's a picture I took last summer of a pictograph on Diamond Lake in Ontario (of two people in a canoe, appropriately enough).
As part of National Canoe Week, Andre and I will attend the Small Craft Builder's Rendezvous at the Canadian Canoe Museum, Saturday June 21st, 2014, 10am to 5pm WHERE: The , 910 Monaghan Rd, Peterborough ON

MEC Paddlefests across Canada; Toronto's is June13 & 14.

Northern Lakes (Canadian) Chapter's annual Killbear Paddler's Rendezvous will be Sept. 4-7
Have already paddled 30 days in Florida this year. Leaving Sat for the Green in Utah and right after the Upper Missouri in Montana.

Home in June to paddle some Maine waterways that are currently hard. Then in July Lake Superior for two or three weeks.