Three Rivers 2018 Schedule of Events
2. Saturday, February 24, 2018 at 10 am: Meeting at Max’s shop to canvas our Peterborough Champlain project canoe for the WCHA auction.
3. Saturday, March 15, 2018 at 11 am at Cadiz Presbyterian Church, 154 West Market Street, Cadiz, Ohio. We will be showing a movie about the canoe building career of famed builder, the late Walter Walker. Other details for the program TBA.
4. Saturday, April 21, 2018 at 10 am: An outing at Salt Fork State Park near Cambridge, Ohio. We will be canoeing a different portion of the lake this year. Once again, Craig Johnson has rented a cabin where we can gather with lake access from the cabin. Craig has provided the following details:
Our first on the water event this year will be Saturday April 21st. at Salt Fork Lake State Park. Diane and I have rented a cabin for Friday and Saturday nights, April 20th.and 21st. This cabin is close to the boat launch where there is plenty of parking and we can either put canoes in at the boat ramp, docks, or the cabin yard which has easy water access. This year instead of meeting at the northern end of the lake and setting up a shuttle to explore that part of the lake, which we have done before, we will just meet at the cabin/ boat launch area. We can explore the part of the lake around the cabin which is a no wake zone. This will allow a little more flexibility for this early season outing in case the weather is iffy. Individuals can canoe as much or as little as they like since there will be no shuttle involved. We will try to be on the water at 10:00 am. After paddling we will meet back at the cabin for a cook out. The chapter will provide burgers and dogs so bring a side dish or desert. I know this is a bit farther for some of you to travel so if you would like come over Friday evening or stay Saturday evening before heading home Salt Fork has some beautiful accommodations. There are the cabins where we are staying, there are campgrounds close by, and the lodge is a nice option. There are lots of things to do at Salt Fork including a museum, lots of hiking trails, horse back riding, or just hanging around the grand fireplaces in the beautiful stone and timber framed lodge. All of the accommodations have pet friendly options. Here is a link to more information about Salt Fork.
Please let me know if you are coming so we can get a head count on the food.If you have questions contact me.
Craig Johnson, 740-696-1000 or 740-591-2226
5. Saturday, May 19, 2018 at 10 am: We plan to gather for an outing at Big Run State Park in Maryland. Mark and Ruth Zalonis are looking into the details and more information will be available as plans are solidified. Big Run is due South of Somerset and just below the Pennsylvania Maryland border.
6. June 1-3, 2018 are the dates for this year’s Western Pennsylvania Solo Rendevous at Coopers Lake Campground near Portersville, Pennsylvania. Many of our members enjoy this annual event.
7. Friday, June 22 through Sunday, June 24, 2018 are the dates for this year’s Allegheny River trip headed up by Richard Seman. This trip is planned to encourage young people to get involved in canoeing. Please make an effort to invite some young folks to join us on this trip. The trip will be set up so it can either be two nights out, starting on Friday or one night out starting on Saturday morning. Richard will be providing details as the time approaches.
8. Tuesday, July 17 through Sunday July 22 at Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario are the dates and location for this year’s Annual WCHA Assembly. The theme this year is Chestnut canoes. Our chapter plans to have our project canoe completed for the annual auction. Have your passport ready and travel to Peterborough for what is always a very enjoyable event.
9. Saturday, August 25, 2018 at 10 am: We will be meeting at the Sylvan Canoe Club in Verona, Pennsylvania for a day trip on the Allegheny. Sylvan member and Three Rivers board member, Bob Ball, will be making the arrangements.
10. September outing: Date TBA. Scott Johnson is going to try to put together a trip on Ohio’s Muskingum River. We will be inviting the folks from Cleveland Amateur Boating and Boat Building Society to join us.
11. Friday, October 12 through Sunday October 14, 2018 are the dates for the 2018 Mini Assembly at Gifford Pinchot State Park near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Please note the date change. This is the week after the Columbus Day weekend. Those planning on attending are well advised to reserve a campsite as soon as possible.
12. We will again finish out our year with a meeting at the Sylvan Canoe Club in Verona on the Allegheny for our annual business meeting and election. Date TBA