Enthusiastic about Wooden Canoes
I am about to refinish and recanvas a 16’ 1963 OTCA. I have read both of the Stelmok books and I think I am ready to get into my project.
I would appreciate the critique of the more experienced canoe restorers, as this is my first project.
The Plan
1. Fill cooler with ice and beer
2. Drink a beer after every step
3. Outwales seats thwarts and yoke removed
4. Canvas already removed
Ribs and planks have already been repaired
Should I remove the decks?
5. Reclinch all tacks (all ribs and planks are intact) swell hammer blossoms
6. Strip all old varnish
7. Address all staining
8. Sand, Sand, Sand interior and fare exterior (what grit?)
9. First coat gloss varnish thinned 50/50
10. Sand varnish (what grit?)
11. Second coat varnish thinned 25/75
12. Boiled linseed oil exterior until saturated, wipe excess (should I thin the oil?)
13. Let dry two weeks
14. Sand varnish
15. Third coat varnish 100%
16. Sand
17. Coat of satin varnish 100%
18. Install refinished decks, outwales, seats, thwarts, yoke
19. Upright recanvas, fill and fare per Stelmok book
20. Six weeks to cure
21. Trim canvas
Should I paint the underside of the outwales?
22. Two coats of primer wet sanded between (what grit)
23. Three coats high gloss enamel wet sanded between
24. Final coat satin varnish interior
25. Let dry four weeks
26. Put cooler of beer in canoe
27. Launch canoe in Echo Lake, California.
That’s the plan I hope I didn’t forget anything. Your input will be greatly appreciated
I would appreciate the critique of the more experienced canoe restorers, as this is my first project.
The Plan
1. Fill cooler with ice and beer
2. Drink a beer after every step
3. Outwales seats thwarts and yoke removed
4. Canvas already removed
Ribs and planks have already been repaired
Should I remove the decks?
5. Reclinch all tacks (all ribs and planks are intact) swell hammer blossoms
6. Strip all old varnish
7. Address all staining
8. Sand, Sand, Sand interior and fare exterior (what grit?)
9. First coat gloss varnish thinned 50/50
10. Sand varnish (what grit?)
11. Second coat varnish thinned 25/75
12. Boiled linseed oil exterior until saturated, wipe excess (should I thin the oil?)
13. Let dry two weeks
14. Sand varnish
15. Third coat varnish 100%
16. Sand
17. Coat of satin varnish 100%
18. Install refinished decks, outwales, seats, thwarts, yoke
19. Upright recanvas, fill and fare per Stelmok book
20. Six weeks to cure
21. Trim canvas
Should I paint the underside of the outwales?
22. Two coats of primer wet sanded between (what grit)
23. Three coats high gloss enamel wet sanded between
24. Final coat satin varnish interior
25. Let dry four weeks
26. Put cooler of beer in canoe
27. Launch canoe in Echo Lake, California.
That’s the plan I hope I didn’t forget anything. Your input will be greatly appreciated
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