2017 Assembly - Selling Canoes


LOVES Wooden Canoes
I stopped by the 2016 Assembly last year but only had one morning and in the rain. So, I didn't learn much and many canoes not yet displayed (turned over because of rain). I was considering bringing one or two of the canoes that I have listed in the Classified Ads to the Assembly this year but don't know what is involved. Is there a cost to display canoes for sale? Is there registration? Can they be left on the field even if I camp at Lake George with family each night? Do folks actually buy any canoes at the event? Any advise greatly appreciated.
Is there a cost to display canoes for sale? Is there registration? Can they be left on the field even if I camp at Lake George with family each night? Do folks actually buy any canoes at the event?

There is no separate cost to display a canoe for sale on the green at the Assembly. The registration information at http://www.wcha.org/annual-assembly/ lists the rates as $20/day or $75 for the whole event. You do not need to stay on site. Many canoes change hands each year at the assembly. I have both purchased and sold canoes at previous Assemblies. Good luck with the sale(s),
