1930 Square Stern bow ring


Curious about Wooden Canoes
Yesterday I broke my bow painter ring I can't find any info on this type of ring on the sight. I know I was stupid while trailering boat. I can see you all rolling you eyes!

1 Is it original
2 Does anyone know a supplier
3 I will buy it from you!!! If you have a spare.
4 Suggestions on where to look

Thanks everyone



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If you are not successful finding a replacement, I suggest that you consider brazing your broken one back together. A source for this might be an auto body shop that has oxy/acetlene & brass brazing rod. Brazed, ground down and redrilling the front screw hole should get you fixed .

I agree with Ed that brazing is probably your best option. It looks original and may have been listed on the build record as a "bob stay" if it was mounted low on the bow for towing. I don't have one but things like this do show up on eBay occasionally. Bob Lavertue of the Springfield Fan & Centerboard Company can probably make one if he doesn't have any in stock. His contact information is available at http://www.mertons.com/Links/canoes.html but it may take some time. If all else fails and you are really desperate then you may want to consider getting a "bow eye strap" listed as part number BB4796 from Bristol Bronze for $68. I would encourage you to find his booth at something like the Maine Boatbuilders Show (http://www.portlandcompany.com/boatShow/) and inspect the item carefully for problems before you hand over any money since he has an exceptionally bad reputation. See http://www.bbb.org/boston/business-...ributors/bristol-bronze-in-tiverton-ri-106175 for one example. Good luck,

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Thanks I talked with the Cheif Enginner on my ship and he was hesitant to braze it for a number of scientific reasons that made my eyes glaze over with confusion. He worries that the small amount of metal left near the holes won't hold but he will try. So that's an option and thanks for the heads up on the Bristol Bronze gentleman as I was considering him also. No listing on the build sheet of this item but Rollin at Northwoods Canoe sent pics of a boat like mine with one. Dan from Smallboat Shop agrees it original. I will exam all available options and update thread so others can have a reference.

I hate low quality work. Generally a bad reputation in a niche community like us is spot on. Glad he did not pick up the phone when I called yesterday probably a blessing in disguise. I think I sourced them made by Willcox the same who made my oars locks. If the one I bought works out to be the same I will buy the others and keep them in reserve for me or so somone else can buy them from me for my cost.
The pic of your broken bow ring or "bob stay" as Benson mentioned got me to vaguely recalling that I thought I had seen something like it in my brass "odds and ends box". Did a search in my shop, found the box and voila! Looks identical!! Send me a PM if your Chief Engineer can't fix your original. The sides of mine with the two countersunk screw holes look quite thick and if yours is the same, it would be my guess that the brazing fix ought to be sufficiently strong.
