Mud Bug
Hand made things are better
Okay, you guys know what you're doing, and I don't, but when my dad and I recanvassed his Yankee back in the early '90's we didn't stretch it lengthwise with all the gizmos you're talking about. We just set the canoe upside down on saw horses and, starting in the middle, we each took a side and stretched the canvas by hand and arm, pulling against each other, tacking it and moving on, working towards the ends. We pulled lengthwise too to get all wrinkles out, but that was it. The filler shrunk everything just fine and's still fine today. What's with this super-stretching with trees and pullers and anchors? Aren't you putting unnecessary strain on the canvas? Is it possible you're over-engineering things?
I've done this once--once--and as a helper at that. That's it. Keep that in mind, Phil, so don't copy me without hearing more qualified advice. I'm asking, not suggesting.
I've done this once--once--and as a helper at that. That's it. Keep that in mind, Phil, so don't copy me without hearing more qualified advice. I'm asking, not suggesting.