thickness planer - advice please


Curious about Wooden Canoes
There's a supermarket chain here that has some special offers on tools from time to time. Their prices are very good and the quality is said to be not so bad either, normally.

Now they have a thickness planer for around 250$ and I'm wondering if this is something worth buying or better to pass on it..

Some technical data:
1200 Watt (240V)
9000 rpm
2 blades
max cutting depth 2mm (5/64")
max width 200mm (8")
max wood thickness 100 or 150mm (4" or 6", I don't remember exactly)
cutting speed 5 meters/minute (16'/min)
weight 25kg

Do you think this is something useful or a waste of money? How much power do you consider appropriate for a thickness planer?

I know a professional item would be much better, but even used ones go for much more than that. On the other hand, if it doesn't do the job reasonably well, it's 250$ too much.

Intended use for canoe building of course, e.g. planing wood for strips or planks, gunwales etc.

Thanks for your input
8 inches isn't very wide but if that is your budget then better a planer in the shop then no planer at all.
True about Amperage.Most portables run about 3/4 horse I believe.Adequate for most canoe work.
Drawback for discount stuff is service and parts.

If you don't mind used, keep an eye on c-list.

I just picked up a DeWalt 733, actually traded, and have $130 in it. Even with the used blades it came with, it cuts nice.

I have a larger Delta, can't remember the model; 80's, heavy 4 post, 2 hp, anyway, the point is that it has a serated infeed roller, which is find for harder woods like pine, oak, mahogany etc, but not so good for cedar, espeshilly when it is narrow for ribs and planking. The serations crush the cedar and you have to take a deper cut to remove the crushed wood. If you look carefully, you will/can see this sometimes one new canoes where the builder didn't get it all removed.

Anyway, while the "lunchbox" planers scream, and may not last as long, they also have rubber infeed rollers that don't crush the cedar, meaning that you can take very light cuts.

Like John said, if its that or no planer go with it.
I've got this one, I think like Dave's. Fed it some nasty stuff and it takes it all.
Someone once said that the most expensive tool is the cheapest one, since then I stretch for it if what I need is a little out of $ range, saves wrecking your work and spending the initial money on an inadequate tool.
Just my 2c worth, after learning that bargains usually arent in the long run.
BTW, the ridgid broke one of the infeed gears, and less than a week later was back up running after the part arrived under warranty.
Thanks for all your input! I've been busy in the last few days, so haven't had a chance to look at all the links you provided yet. As I'm in Switzerland, the available brands are a bit different, but the general rules still apply.
