wooden canoe plans


Curious about Wooden Canoes
I am trying to find some plans for a single person, flat water canoe. I am wondering if there is a book out there? The projects should be geared towards someone starting out.
There are nice line drawings in Adney and Chapelle for 12 ft singles (page 112). I have made 2 of these and they are very nice paddlers.
Wood canoe plans/book

There is a book "Building Sweet Dream" by Mark Pettingill, published by Tiller, that in great detail (261 steps) tells how to build a ultralight solo canoe. They are built from marine ply in a process called tortured plywood. By cutting darts in the scarfed 16' sheet of plywood, you can make it bend in two directions at once. This process gives a very shapely canoe for plywood stitch and glue construction. It can be built in three sizes to accommodate different size paddlers. I built three. The third I built at an Assembly about six years ago to fill a last minute void in the program.

The book may be out of print but would be easy to find with a used book search.

Does anyone know if there is a registry or photo album of boats made from "Building Sweet Dream"?
It would be fun to see the different ways people finish them.


  • Sweet Dream.jpg
    Sweet Dream.jpg
    477.2 KB · Views: 23
Does anyone know if there is a registry or photo album of boats made from "Building Sweet Dream"?

I don't know of an existing registry for this but the forum at the link below would be a great place to start one.

