Wooden Canoe CD

Max Peterson

LOVES Wooden Canoes
I hate to expose my computer illiteracy, but could someone tell me how to access the search tool on my new 2-CD Wooden Canoe collection?
There is no need feel that this will brand you as computer illiterate. The Adobe portable document index (.pdx) search files are one of the most confusing parts of the whole Adobe tool set. The easiest way use this capability is to copy all of the files from both CDs to a single folder on your hard disk if you have enough free space. You can then open the WCJ.pdx file by double clicking on it from your Windows Explorer (a.k.a. My Computer) after the Adobe reader software has been installed. You can also open the master-index.htm file in the same way to access all of the Journals from a single web page.

The other option is to open the Adobe Reader, Select Edit | Search | Use Advanced Search Options, then expand the Look In box and choose the Select Index option. This opens a Index selection window that has an Add button that will let you add the WCJ.pdx index to use for searching and selection from the Search PDF option.

If you don't have enough free space on your hard disk to copy both CDs there then you can search each CD individually using the same techniques. The CD-1.pdx file is the index for the first CD and the CD-2.pdx file is for the second one. The first CD also has a ReadMe.txt file that describes how to use these features and more. Let me know if this is not clear or you have other questions.

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