wood suppliers?


Curious about Wooden Canoes
HI folks.
I am new to this game. i thought i should ask this community. where should i look for the wood to restore my canoe? i need gunwale material as well as wood for my stem and decks. i live in south/central maine. im sure there is a lot out there but i dont know of them. i dont have all the tools to mill things myself so it would be nice to find wood that is close to the size that i will need. especially for the gunwales.
You don't mention who made your canoe but if it is an Old Town you should be able to get replacement parts from them. Good Luck, Denis
After I replied the first time I recalled that you can get parts and materials from Rollin Thurlow also. He is in Maine too. D.

thanks guys
denis, sory for the vaiguness.
i have a 17' skowhegan caonoe. i love the lines and shapes of this canoe, but it needs alot of work. it was covered in fiberglass and im almost dont getting all that off. now its time to get into stems, decks and gunwals. although I have never restored a canoe before i am handy and i usually have persistance and patience on my side when i take on a new endevor.
thanks for your help!
Thanks for suggesting the builders and suppliers list. I remembered it after I went to bed but was snuggled in,: so didn't get back up to send a third note.
:o Denis

Your closest source of routine materials e.g. gunwhale stock, seats, spacers, thwarts, etc is Sandy Martin at Lincoln Canoe in Freeport. When you need canvas canoe specific materials there are a host of good sources in Maine listed in the directory.