Well, I made it, not too gracefully, but I made it. Just finished trimming the strips flush with the bottom board this morning. Now I get to sand and see how well I did with my stripping. Hopefully not too much filling to do. Really looking forward to flipping it over and getting to see how the lines look. On to the sanding machines.
As you can see, I started sanding one side already and it looks okay other than some areas toward the bow and stern where I already talked about the difficulty bending and twisting the strips. Using the epoxy and having to glue and screw the strips in place as I went along, I found that I could used the old "hand clamp" and get the strip lined up and tight along the seam, but as soon as I went to screw it tight to the rib, it would pull apart slightly either on the inside or outside. I guess this is normal unless you were to bevel one or the other of the the cove legs making the inside or outside leg shorter to accommodate an inside or outside curve. Way above my pay grade!
So, from my furniture days I have always liked to seal the wood before I apply the wood filler. All of you know how filler always seems to make a mess and leave a splotch around the patched area even after sanding. In the past I have favored an oil based wood filler which doesn't dry out. So I glued up some scraps and put the sealer on and let it dry, but when I went to apply the epoxy filler, it wouldn't stick.....glad I found that out ahead of time. Fill first, seal after.
Short of hiring a couple of apprentices, anyone have a suggestion for a small random orbit sander for doing the inside of the boat? Only 5 inches or so between ribs, so my 6 inch sander won't work and Gary is not a fan of sanding to begin with, so I need to mechanize the process. Thanks.
No financial interest here, but if you're in need of screws or fasteners I've been working with these guys
https://www.boltdepot.com/ and the service and quality have been top notch. Wednesday I found myself running short of screws for the strips (#3 x 1/2) . Ordered them Wednesday afternoon and they were here Friday, Massachusetts to California. Of the 1000 tiny screws I put in, only 1 head stripped out on me. Good stuff. Hope this is okay to post, if not just delete.