Willits Model Canoe - NOT!!

Authentic indeed - even has a scaled down rotten stem! ;)


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Pat, are you sure? It looks SO close to the Willits I own, that I might have to pay shipping from England! I gotta have it!
Chris - I beat you to it and sent a message to the seller when I saw the posting. I don't expect a response to either of us, particularly since there already is a bid on this choice collectible.
How is it that he has so many transactions but still maintains a 100% score? There must be a way to manipulate the numbers?
Another cheap, Asian or Chinese import masquerading as an authentic 'salesman's sample'. It never ends. The seller has more than likely been cruelly deceived him/herself by those who sold to him/her. Like several others here on the Forum, I have written as well, encouraging the removal of this inaccurate listing, and also giving some info where the real stuff can be seen. Hopefully, the seller will respond.

Glad to see that you jumped on this early Pat, and I hope the seller recognizes your authority for doing so.

Regards all,
Here's the complete, unedited reply to my message I got this morning from the seller:


At least I got a response. I note, however, that the listing has not changed. There remains one bid on this gem.
I think that the seller(s) knows that they are selling fake imports and don't care as long as they can con a few people. I just don't get how he keeps his 100% rating. I don't suppose ebay has a vehicle for reporting fraud? I should think they would want to keep their reputation positive, unless they turn the other way and don't care either?
That's why I was surprised to get a response. I did just now find a link in the listing to report the item to eBay. Just did that, so we'll see if anything happens. By the way, it was just pointed out to me that the shipping charge is nearly the same price as the starting list price. How can this deal get any better?
This is one situation where I'm not particularly concerned about the seller's dishonesty and/or ignorance.

If someone is knowledgeable enough to know the Willits name, then they've more likely than not seen one. And if they have an internet connection to bid on it, they can quickly see that this isn't the real deal with a quick google search.

Then again, maybe there's a Brit by the name of W. Illits who builds model canoes... and this is all on the up and up. :rolleyes:
So I got an auto reply from eBay on the listing. In effect it says they will check into it and take any appropriate action. We'll see if they do. Don't hold your breath...
My guess is that a seller in this situation could plead ignorance ("well that's what I was told when I bought it") and eBay probably has the "let the buyer beware" attitude, and won't do much, if anything.

Unless it's a totally phony ad, where the seller doesn't actually have the item, if eBay is going to make a little money they may not care. That may sound cynical, but hey. It's all about money, power, and somebody being able to buy a big-screen TV. Everything will be all messed up until the Vulcans land and fix everything.

I do know eBay gets after sellers for high postage rates though... like a 99 cent item with $20 shipping... eBay doesn't like that, because they can't make money off of postage.

I did have luck pursuing something through PayPal's really boring and involved process requiring faxing of documents-- I *won* and could have gotten my money back if I'd returned the item to the seller who misrepresented it. By then, I had invested in fixing the item and it would have been foolish to send it back. Lesson learned: see what the seller usually sells. If it's used computers, don't let him pretend this was his little personal laptop.

Peace and Long Life