Willits deck cleat

Mark Adams

all wood nut
Hi All,

I don't know how many of you out there in cyberland have Willits, but I will be casting the older style deck cleat. (see pic below) The cleat will be bronze, and will probably have to have some finish sanding done to it. I'll be making wax castings and then sending them off to get cast.

Does anyone want/need one for their Willits? (or any other boat for that matter). I don't have a cost yet, but it won't be terribly expensive. It will be probably around 20 bucks per.


  • Willits_cleat_side.jpg
    366 KB · Views: 365
I should mention that Jim Kirk provided the master through Michael. It is appropriate for the 8C series thru the early 3 digit canoes.
Mark, you know me... just joking around... not looking for any kind of mention! But thanks for mentioning Jim (and Ellen)- very nice of them to be so kind! And thanks to you Mark for getting this done.
