Willits Book

Mark Adams

all wood nut
Hey All,

You should really pick up Pat Chapman's new book on the Willits Brothers. It is a great book, and one I can't seem to stop re reading! Chock full of old photos and new information.

In case anyone is wondering, here are the details;

"The Willits Brothers and Their Canoes: Wooden Boat Craftsmen in Washington State, 1908-1967"
by Jerry Stelmok (Foreword), Patrick F. Chapman (Author) (Paperback - May 2006) Cost; $45 U.S. on Amazon.com
I ordered my copy from Amazon a couple weeks ago, but looks like (yet again) that I'm paying the Free Super Saver Penalty. Won't be here for another 10 days or so.... :(
Great Book

Yes, this is a must read, not just for Willits fans.

Pat, you have done a great job. This book covers everything about the Willits bros and their families, history, quirks, etc. there does not appear to be a single stone unturned.

The pictures alone were worth the price. I ordered my copy before it was printed, and as the first post mentions I have read it a number of times.

I was very interested in the connection between the Herald Double Cedar and the Willits canoe. I had thought the same myself, but Pat has put all of the pieces together. The part about a concrete mold was very interesting.

My wife is a fan of the Glass guy in Washington so I made a point to mention he owns 4 or 5 Willits canoes, so I can't be all that crazy.

I got mine a few days ago and have had a hard time putting it down, very interesting.

Thanks Pat, nice work.

The book provides so much info about Willits Bros and the canoe, I didn't realize how special a Willits canoe was until reading the book.
