White Pine Camp featured in Martha Stewart Living Magazine


Enthusiastic about Wooden Canoes
I just wanted to share this with everyone now: I was so surprised to receive my Martha Stewart Living magazine in the mail today and opened it up to find a nice feature on White Pine Camp. What is so cool about this, is we were just there while at the Assembly only a couple of weeks ago! We had taken the nice guided tour from Church Pond to Osgood River. So, seeing this in the magazine was like deja vu! We were in the shoreline area with and our guide was telling us we were now going to head towards White Pine Camp. She mentioned we would would be seeing a Japanese tea house and a long bridge leading to it. So, passing by the tea house, I took some pictures of it. Also, of some houses tucked in the trees and one boathouse with an American Flag. So, in the magazine the feature is on different places in the Adirondacks. It starts off on page 111, with some photos of canoes. Then, turning to page 117, is a little map and a numbered guide and write up to each place featured; and number 9, is White Pine Camp. Page 118 and 119 shows the the long bridge across the water and then a small bridge and alas, the tea house! It is all surrounded by the gorgeous waters of Osgood Pond. On page 115, there is a historical statement that quote says this: "Keeping the ADIRONDACK PARK natural was of such importance, it was written into New York State's constitution".

So, if you have time you may want to check out the Martha Stewart Living Magazine in the August 2012 issue. There are other places and photos featured such as the Adirondack Museum. I think you will find the whole feature quite interesting.

I am also posting some photos that I took as well.



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Thanks for posting this.
I used to have some similar pics of the tea house and "bridge", from when we went on the same paddle and tour 7-8 years ago. They had us land on the strip of land leading to the tea house and walk across the bridge to the camp.

Hi Dan,

You are welcome.

Thank you for sharing your story about landing on the strip area and walking across the bridge to the camp. I find that quite interesting and maybe someday if I go back there, I will do that, too.
