What's in your living room?

The small paddles get to live inside at our house as shown below. The rack still has some empty spaces so I probably need to find some more. The full sized ones are currently relegated to the garage.



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We keep a few of our special paddles in our Maine parlor, with our North Star wanigan and a couple of pack baskets.

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The rest of our paddles are in stacks at least as disreputable as Benson's, in our basement and garage.

Good Evening, great topic...I have had a Klepper folding kayak frame in the living room for about 10 yrs. now, it is a 1955 Klepper T9, not absolutely sure on year, but is a T9. Paddled it a bit, removed the hull/skin and hung it up. Was told it was an Olympic kayak champions kayak from @ 1955/56. But...now it will have an early original Peterborough canoe for company. Recently purchased it and should have it cleaned up and ready to hang soon. Photos of the Klepper T9


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Pretty much just a paddle rack for me, mostly Shaw and Tenny paddles, and one of the Made in Canada Old Town paddles


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Bit of an older thread but organizing my photos. This is temporary I said, it should only be a month or so I said, the workshop will be done soon I said. My wife is a Saint...
