Wanted - Canoeing Canada's Northwest Territories - book


New Member
Does anyone know where I can get a copy of
Canoeing Canada's Northwest Territories: A paddler's guide by Mary McCreadie? Book is out of print and I am unable to find a copy. Would like to buy a copy.
There are several services like http://www.bookfinder.com/ that specialize in used and out of print books. It appears that amazon.com and other vendors have several copies of of this book available starting at about $150.

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I have searched the internet extensively and have not found any copies other than the 3 posted for approx $150. Get real the book is not worth that amount. Apparently someone told me those books have been listed to approx 2 years (no kidding!!)
Another option is to simply contact the seller and make an offer. They may have gotten tired of sitting on it.

Whenever I'm looking for a book, I have found it useful (and often cheaper) to try www.abebooks.com. There is a very simple search feature, and it often turns up many sellers with a broad range of prices, condition, etc. Sorry to say that I checked them out for you and the book you're looking for. There were no listings available, even though I have often found other out of print books there.

One other idea you might try is contacting the Northwest Territories government offices in Yellowknife. I'm sure there will be an Internet lead. They, or their Tourism Office might be able to suggest something.