w.n.morris c


Curious about Wooden Canoes
Does anybody out there know if there is anybody making a reproduction of the the W.N. Morris Model C? I saw one a beautifully restored one on the Vintage Canoe Works web site and fell in love with the design. Or does anybody know of an original model C for sale needing restoration or already restored?

Below are links to two builders who currently make Morris replicas. I believe they make the Model A, but you can always ask if they can modify what they build for you. I'll attach a page from the 1919 BN Morris catalog so you can determine if what you actually want is the model C.(More information about this and other Morris models can be found in the BN Morris catalogs contained on the Historic Wood Canoe and Boat Company Catalog Collection CDs available from http://www.wcha.org/catalog/ and http://www.dragonflycanoe.com/cdrom.htm on the web.)

Generally speaking, canoes built for racing, which have less tumblehome, can be tippy and are less fun than the model A might be... which is possibly why I don't think we have any model Cs in our database of Morris canoes.

I know the canoe of which you speak. Morris 15143 was sold on eBay a while back... folks here may recall it had a duck and buck on the bow. Looks better painted black. It's in our Morris database as a model A type 1, circa 1917. The measurements of the restorers may have come up different from what the original ebay seller gave me.

I don't mean to dissuade you from looking for a Model C Morris... just to let you know what I think. Others here will have opinions too. Morris canoes come up on eBay not infrequently-- they are usually Model A type 1... occasionally have long decks and are therefore type 2 or 3. There are currently about 200 Morris and Morris/Veazie canoes in the database we are keeping.

There are frequently Morris canoes in our classifieds, available restored or ready-to-be restored. Does anyone know if Ralph Nimtz sold the really pretty two-tone Morris that was in the classifieds? It isn't there now...





  • Morris catalog 1919.gif
    Morris catalog 1919.gif
    71.6 KB · Views: 238
Refreshing memories

Will post the images of the Duck and Buck canoe... this is how canoes often look when they come up on eBay or Craigslist... or even... less... grand. But they can be made beautiful again!


  • Morris buck.JPG
    Morris buck.JPG
    32.6 KB · Views: 288
  • Morris duck.JPG
    Morris duck.JPG
    26.5 KB · Views: 259