Unidentified wood canoe??


OK Boys, I had a chance to measure it today, so here they are. 16' long, 35 1/2" out to out of the gunwhales @ midship and 14" from the bottom of the keel to the top of the gunwhales @ midship. The keel is approx. 1/2" thick.

I hope this can narrow it down but it does sound like the dims required for a prospector Dan.

Andy are sure about the seats being a Chestnut trademark??

There is also a serial number stamped on the stem, but it does not seem to match any of the criteria on Dans site.
I've learned to never say never, but in any case, I've not yet seen a Prospector with 1-1/2" ribs... Your dimensions (measure depth to the inside of the planking, not the bottom of the keel) are consistent with a Deer (narrow-ribbed version of the Pal), and the slat seats would put it circa 1968, based on catalog descriptions.

What is the serial number - they usually aren't helpful for Chestnuts but there a clues in them nonetheless, and depending on the number we might be able to turn it into a Peterborough or a Canadian, or even something else!

Hey Scott. Anthony(tony's good) from Brandon Mb. Isaw your pics. and have a canoe that looks like yours.Ifound a serial # stamped on stern stem...inboard top:5 digit # 23135. maybe yours has one here as well. I have been over and over this canoe steady for 2 wks. and only today found it!!! let me know if you find! thanks T.M.
Hi Tony, Yes there is s serial number stamped into the stem. I can check when I get home from work and post on Monday. I think it was similar to yours approx 5 numbers and spaced eratically apart. Also started with a 2.
Where did you get yours from??
Do you have pics??

Hi there! My Dad gave it to me.(thanks pop).I just got a dig. cam. If I can just get my son to show me how to use!?! I was at a scout jamboree in '77. (A killer storm set in which saw several pup tents[with gear included] flying away into the ocean!!!). Is that the type of scouting you are referring to? thanks T.M.
Hey,D.W....The Guide says no on narrow ribbed prospectors(although...as many would agree[especially in Chestnut's latter years],"never say never". What's your friend's o'all measurements/wood types? (quickly becoming Chestnut nut...need input... ) T.M.