Unidentified wood canoe??


Canoeist, Scouter
I need help identifying this canoe can any one help? I have determined that it is a Canadian manufacturer due to the shoe keel and the square headed screws. Otherwise i have no idea who made ite. it also is coverd with fibreglass, but I want to restore with canvas.

I can not seem to upload pics here any help?
Hi Scott,

Your link to your album isn't working for me - it tells me I'm not the owner of the album and to use the back button to fix the problem...

To post pictures here, use the Advanced Reply (rather than the Quick Reply). Below the box where you type your message, click on the button labeled "Manage Attachments". Click the "browse" button to locate the image on your computer. Choose up to five images - they must be a common format such as JPG or GIF, and less than 1 MB in size. Once you have selected your file(s), click the "Upload" button.

Hey Dan, i tried to upload the pics again, but I keep getting errors.
If you go to www.webshots.com, then the community tab on the top and search for a member " cbntmkr" the photo album should come up.

Scott, Tried it, got "Sorry! No photos were found for "cbntmkr" "

What error message do you get here? Try emailing me one of your photos...

Hey Dan, I had one of my coworkers try it and it worked????

I will try to e-mail you the photos. The webshots is better though as there are approx 80 pics.
Thanks Fitz, that got me in...

I've uploaded one of the pics.

Looks like it could be a Chestnut to me. With one thwart maybe the 15' Doe? What are the measurements?



  • scott_test.jpg
    62.4 KB · Views: 794
measures 16'7" long, 12 1/2"high and approx 32" wide

I can confirm over the weekend but that is fom memory
What makes a prospector a "Prospector"???

The shape of the hull.

For its length, the Prospector is a beamy, deep canoe (e.g. the 16' Prospector has a 36" beam and 13" depth), that has a shallow arch bottom carried into a fairly hard bilge. It is wall sided with minimal tumblehome (1"). The entry has a distinctly hollow waterline. There is a lines drawing of the 17' Prospector in Roger MacGregor's book. The Prospector is perhaps the most widely copied (and often *******ized) design out there - a great number of contemporary canoe builders, working in wood and plastics, offer a version. Few are close to the original design, though.

If your dimensions are correct, then your canoe may not be a Chestnut. The only design Chestnut offered longer than 16' with a beam as narrow as you mention is the Cruiser, but the 17' Cruiser should have 3 thwarts (plus carry thwarts) and the ribs would be the full 2-3/8 width, not the narrow ones yours has. If your canoe is closer to 16' feet, it might be a Pal, which should measure 16' by 34" maximum beam. Where/how did you measure your length, beam and depth?

For what it's worth I'll add my two cents. Judging just from the overall shape of the canoe, the narrow ribs, the shape of the stems and the trademark Chestnut slat seats this canoe is a dead ringer for a Pal. If it is, you've got a real gem on your hands. The Pal is really a sweet handing canoe.
What makes a prospector?

With that question answered I now wonder what the difference is between a prospector and a guide canoe ?
davelanthier said:
With that question answered I now wonder what the difference is between a prospector and a guide canoe ?

If you are talking about Chestnut (and related company) canoes specifically, then the Prospector and the Cruiser/Guide's Special are distinctly different designs. For the same length the Prospector is much wider and deeper than the Cruiser and Guide's Special. The Guide's Special is the same hull design as the Cruiser, but with close ribbing.

If you are talking generally, then the Prospector is still a specific hull design. A guide canoe is any canoe capable of carrying a guide, his sport, and their gear. Most companies offered a "guide" model of some sort - usually a larger canoe (e.g. 18-1/2 or 20 feet in length) and built to a lower grade than their standard models.
