Craig Johnson
Lifetime member
So the other day I decided I didn't want to fire up my maple syrup evaporator that I use to steam a bunch of ribs. I only had to bend a couple of pieces so I decided to make a small steamer like I have seen others have. I used a piece of 4" PVC and it worked fine other than having to be supported because it gets soft and gets pretty hot to touch. So afterward I was fantasizing that it would be nice to find a stainless steel box and insulate it and maybe put a sheet metal cover over it all. Then I remembered the old Metalbestos stovepipe I'd had laying about for 15 years. Perfect, Stainless inside and outside and insulated. It is rigid and doesn't get so hot that you can't leave your hand on the outside. Besides that it just looks cool, like a giant muffler. I wouldn't want to pay for new but a little oven cleaner and wire brush shined up the inside and I love finding a use for all the junk I have been hanging on to.