Ole Ben, up for adoption
I couldn't believe how well the photo came out myself, it was taken by my neighbor Mark who I had to show how to use the camera. Im going to show it to him in a few minutes, Im sure he'll be floored.
Blue Viking I apologise for not taking you up on your offer, we sure could have used your portaging wheels. We were just sitting in Marks garage working on his Old Chevy truck Marks restoring and he looked up and said "I need some fresh air, let's get that boat." and off we went. Your more than welcome to stop by and meet him on your next jaunt into the northwoods.
Ive decided that Ole Ben is a step or two beyond my capabilities. Daylite revieled that Ole Ben was a one of, the irregular seat supports tell the tale. Anyone with a pickup truck and a friend or two who want's to give Ole Ben a good home he's here in East Millinocket for the taking. I can post as many picture's as you'd like but here is the low down.
Ole Ben is in pretty rough shape, I'd say that over 1/2 of the ribs will need to be replaced, from midship back. The front deck is there for a pattern only. He's covered in fiberglass over canvas. Removing the fiberglass won't be a problem, it's already delaminating. I think a afternoon with a heat gun will take care of it. His stern is there for a pattern only, what's left is pulky. As you can see he does have nice line's and in his day made his creator proud. This isn't a project for the fant of heart, but I honestly think it would be worth while. But for myself I'd be getting in over my head, I'll be looking for a little easier project to tackle.
So Im willing to keep Ole Ben here for a few weeks in hope that someone is willing to give him the second chance I feel he deserves. Otherwise unfortunately he's going to have a date with a payloader...