LOVES Wooden Canoes
Recently "discovered" information from Thompson Bros. Boat Mfg. Co. of Peshtigo, WI. Letter to prospective dealer, dealer franchise application and canoe flyer. Canoes had not been included in their regular brochure for several years. Apparently they were still making them in 1961 or at least offering them, since they printed this one page flyer.
Lapstrake outboard and stern drive speed boats had been the focus of Thompson since 1957. The strip-built boats and canoes were de-emphasized. They did still offer the model 240 Take-Along wood/canvas rowboat until 1962.
Lapstrake outboard and stern drive speed boats had been the focus of Thompson since 1957. The strip-built boats and canoes were de-emphasized. They did still offer the model 240 Take-Along wood/canvas rowboat until 1962.